Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Go Karts For Sale In Calgary

The Indian note. Duck and pilaf with tomatoes.

Though a fan of duck meat, it's not his presence captivated me that provision, and the addition of the pilafu. It is not a secret that I like Asian flavors and dishes full of aromatic spices. Therefore, one look was enough on the list of ingredients - and I knew that my taste buds will be delighted.
was right: it is really delicious pilaf, full of crisp notes, which together form the wonderful compositions. Turmeric and tomato rice equivalent they give beautiful, sunny, orange color. It seems to me that the duck could just as well replace the chicken. Ba, as for me, could in general do not be any meat item, only the rice. It was he, though in theory is only an addition, the game is here for the first fiddle.

Fried duck breast and tomato pilaf
(for 1 person, I did with the double portion, not only doubled its amount of cinnamon)
- 100 g long grain rice
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 2 cardamom seeds, lightly crushed
2 cloves - 1 bay leaf
bit of vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon coriander seeds, and crushed uprazonych
- 15 g fresh ginger root , peeled and finely chopped
- 1 / 4 tsp turmeric
- 2 tomatoes, chopped
- small handful fresh cilantro, chopped (I did not, so I skipped)
- a pinch of caster sugar
- a duck breast
- salt and freshly ground black pepper

Rice, cinnamon, cardamom one seed, cloves and bay leaf to put in a pot, pour water, bring to a boil, then cook covered for about 10 minutes, until it gets soft rice. Drain and move back into the pot. Heat the vegetable oil
in a pot, add the coriander seeds, ginger, cardamom and remaining turmeric and fry on low heat for 1-2 minutes. Add to rice. Field tomatoes and cilantro zblendowac slightly in the blender. Add sugar and added the tomato mixture into the rice, mix. Add remaining coriander, remove from heat, season to taste.
properly warm up a small frying pan. Incise skin on the duck breast a sharp knife, season with salt and pepper and put meat in the pan skin down. Fry for 5-7 minutes, until golden brown will peel and slightly crispy. Turn over, reduce heat and cook for about 5 minutes so that the meat was still slightly Rose in the middle. Let stand for 5 minutes, and pote cut into thick slices and serve on rice.


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