Friday, May 20, 2011

Where Can I Buy Katydids The Candy

I found them at the Dorothy and, as it often sometimes I could not stop thinking about him. I dreamed at night and I knew that I need to just do it. And because I had just powdered milk, I decided to put my plan in life.
When making sponge cake (but do not know if it's a good name, because the dough is quite dense and heavy), everything went smoothly and without problems. Stairs started in August, when I gained the weight of milk powder, and this does nothing wanted to do in August so dense that one could present to translate the cake. With the help came to me Gelatine leaves: not affected in any way on the taste of cream, at the same time making it not it spreads in all directions. I suspect that the cause of my troubles was the fact that the milk powder should be a high-fat, and I was skinny. So best to stick to the provision pojdzie a wszystko dobrze.
Ciasto smakowalo wszystkim, Nie tylko najmlodszym. Milosnicy mocno mlecznych wypiekow (i wiadomego produktu, ktoremu ciacho zawdziecza nazwe) zachwyceni Beda!

Ciasto Mleczna Kanapka
Skladniki that biszkopt:
- 6 jajek
- 3 / 4 szklanki cukru
- half szklanki inter pszennej
- half szklanki inter ziemniaczanej
- a lyzeczka proszku do pieczenia
- 3 lyzki kakao
- 2 lyzki oleju

Bialka ubic that sztywna piane, dodajac at the end of whipping sugar, then egg yolks. Blend. Add oil and continue mixing it. Sift the flour, mix with the baking powder and cocoa and stir gently into the egg. Put the dough before baking paper lined out with the form of 25 x 34 cm and bake for 20-25 minutes at 170 degrees. Dough is ready when toothpick inserted in the measure will go right out dry.

dairy Weight:
- 1 / 2 cup milk
- 2 cups of whole milk powder
- 2 / 3 cup sugar
- 350 g butter
- 16 g vanilla sugar (sugar with vanilla Dalam)

boil milk sugar and sugar wanilinowym, cool. Cream the butter, slowly add the milk cooled down to it, then grating. Pour the sifted powdered milk and grind until smooth. Cut the sponge cake cooled down and continue along the ready mass.

- 100 g of dark or milk chocolate
- 70 g butter

butter and chocolate dissolve in the water bath, cool. Pour over cake and allow to solidify (mine happened to the glaciers, but just take them out for an hour or two before serving, to the mass had become less hard.)



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