Saturday, May 7, 2011

Rectal Temperature 96.5

lost four walls

Scene ... All religion continued ...
After All Willowi said about his love for him.
Will: (Laughs) I remind you that April fool's joke had been.
All: You do not take seriously?
Will: I do not want me to believe that such a dynamite as you reveal someone feelings.
a long moment no one odzywa.All collect a bowl of cereal, Will looks pensive. All
sits on the sofa holding hands poduszkę.Leci this song along with memories of childhood All.

Scene 2: Mask of the Alicia
All in his room in his pajamas assumes the mask on twarz.Jest very upset that Will did not receive it seriously wyznania.Wchodzi Alicia.
Alicia: It is obvious that you like talking on the phone.
All: What do you get this time going?
Alicia: Who last talked?
All: From a friend.
Alicia: You're lying.
All: Even if you fail me, 'shadow.
Alicia: Well we know who you are był.Zabraniam relationship with him.
All: You must be joking!
Alicia: I do.
All: Do not you tell me this I do!
Alicia: I can.
All: That - is - my - ojciec.Nie you love him!
Alicia: I do not know what's going on! If only it were that simple ...
All: It's close to me here in a cage, because only a well-placed to do: to spoil someone's life!
Alicia: I only want the best for you!
All: Actually, with all my heart you hate me and pray for it, so I hastily disappeared from your life!
Alicia: Do not say that ...
All: I never you do not care! But before you at least you've tried.
Alicia: You will now point out my mistakes, and his beloved father put on a pedestal?
All: He was never like you.
Alicia: You did not say one more: do not depend on him nas.Wcześniej preferred to go to extra work than to stay with us, and now we left and we have no clue where he resides.
All: In that case, you're the only one who does not know it. All
''off''of a conversation.


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